The extreme density of Shanghai forces living spaces to build vertically, so I felt that placing the time-shares underground would provide the right amount of contrast to compliment the city while still offering an escape. The climate can be regulated underground providing an escape from the extreme humidity of the city above. There are already subway systems in place making transportation to and from each unit effortless.
Being that the units are completely cut off from natural light, lighting design takes the most dominant roll in the time-share. High ceilings and low furnishings are used to exaggerate the feeling of being underground. Cubbies are used to further accentuate this cave-like environment. Using a central floor plan and curtain walls utilizes the space to the utmost efficiency.
Images from lighting model:
Indirect lighting is shown behind a ceiling cloud in the dining area. Fiber optic lighting is used to simulate wall-washing behind the main seating area. The color is white as opposed to the warm yellow used above the TV. Small fiber optic lights are used to simulate recessed lighting above the Entertainment wall. Each of the cubby beds are illuminated from within the cubby for task lighting. Ambient light levels vary throughout the space. The lighting model shows how light can be used to dramatize spaces.
The Master Bathroom:
Kohler's Electronic Light Shower Fixture was selected in order to create a glowing waterfall effect. The showerhead is recessed in the ceiling and is lit with LED lights. This creates a glow effect that is fairly well contained by the falling water. A 6V clear bulb is used to simulate the fixture in the lighting model shown below.
Lighting from the Dining Area and Master Bedroom filters through the Lightblock acrylic resin walls. The translucency of the wall allows for light transfer with minimal visual noise. Privacy can be kept between individual rooms.
Lighting from the Utility closet is diffused through the cubby fixture (first image shown above). The wall is cut out above the cubbies so that light gently passes around the art piece suspended in the void. Sharing light from room to room is both aesthetically pleasing and economical. Bulb used is a 75W florescent muffled by a cardstock encasing.
Lighting model (left) and Pool Lighting plan (right):
North Section Elevation:
West Section Elevation:
Lighting product selection:
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